What do we exactly provide in English?

Absolutely, conducting a level test at the beginning of the English language lab is a smart approach to understanding the students’ proficiency levels and tailoring the curriculum accordingly. By assessing their skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking, instructors can better gauge their strengths and areas for improvement.

Once the assessment is complete, the curriculum can be segmented into different levels to accommodate students at varying proficiency stages. This ensures that each student receives instruction that aligns with their current abilities, allowing for more targeted learning and progression.

In software, we have 7 levels, with 2 semesters in each level. Each level has its own unique content and digital exercises.

Please note : Our software offers separate sections for listening, writing, and phonics exercises, complementing the structured English course. These sections enhance specific skills but do not replace the full curriculum. Consistent engagement with all materials is advised for proficiency development.

level 1-semesters

Here are some glimpses of our software content.

English Course Screenshots

In the same way, our software has digital exercises for each level according to the curriculum and topics.

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